Intro to Family Constellation Therapy

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Family constellations are a somatic channeling modality that explore how we can move into our most aligned life flow through identifying and releasing enmeshment and entanglements with ancestral traumas. Family constellations may be done a number of ways including in groups, dyads, and individually using objects. This course will cover the history and basic structure of family constellations, one large constellation, and intuitive practices for developing and facilitating your own constellations for integration.

Please note that this course is an in-person class in Los Angeles, CA. There is a minimum of 3 seats and a maximum of 16 seats available. This course is an intensive; it will be taught over one 5-hour session in August. The date and time for this class is::

Sunday, August 8th from Noon-5 pm


For currently registered folks:

Dear beloveds, due to a change in Meenadchi's schedule Intro to Family Constellations will now be a one day intensive on Sunday August 8th. A partial refund of $200 will be sent to you shortly. If the change in schedule alters your ability or interest to participate in the class, please don't hesitate to let me know!

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